About Kirsten Liu

Hi guys, my name is Liu Zhitong or you can call me Kirsten. I’m from Guangdong province in China, but when I was in high school I studied in Australia, where I graduated from high school, but unfortunately I had to go back to China to continue my studies because of the COVID-19, and now I’m honored to be able to continue my university studies at the University of Westminster!

I used to take Psychology in Australia, so for socialising I rely more on profiling each other’s personalities, and I prefer to take psychological tests like the ‘Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ‘(or MBTI for short.)

My mbti test result is INFP, so I’m quite introverted person, I’m not a very active person for active socialising, but I’m very empathetic, I’m probably better at creating than I am at communicating and discussing. I’m more active in socialising if I get to know each other better, I’d love to share my spirituality with you.

Every moment on the trip that made me lift up my DV camera

It’s because of INFP’s personality that I find it easier to socialise with small animals, music or nature than with humans.

Every moment that touches me is recorded in life

I’ve always had a lot of strange ideas, for example I listen to different types of music depending on the weather, and although I’m quite introverted I’m not homogenous in my musical style.

  • When the warmth of spring arrives

I really like how the intro of this song seems to make me see spring, even if it’s not spring right now!

  • When rainy days come and you’re feeling down

The chorus of this song will lift your downtrodden spirits

  • When the cold air comes in

The intro to this song on a foggy or snowy day will give you a sense of storytelling going back in time

I wish I could talk to you about your life 🙂

6 thoughts on “About Kirsten Liu

  1. This is such a creative post, Kirsten! I love the videos you included. I used to make similar ones when I first moved to the UK. You’ve inspired me to look back into it.

    My personality type is ENTP. It seems we both notice the big picture of how things connect (N, Intuition) and are spontaneous people (P, Perceiving). Did you know your MBTI can change as you get older? I used to test as ENTJ until I went to university. I suggest taking it again after you graduate to see if yours is any different.

    1. Thank you so much for liking it, I will continue to record my life in the UK on DV and hope to enjoy your videos one day! I’m hoping I’ll turn into a TJ type of personality, it’ll make me do things with more planning and execution!:)

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