Welcome to BENYU‘s World

Hello, everyone. My name is Benyu Cai, you can just call me Amelia. This is the first year for me to the UK. In my mind, I am a totally “i” person. However! If we become the friends in the future you will find I completely changed to a super “e” person who talks a lot and is a little crazy…maybe. So, hope to be friends with you guys!

I pet three cats 🐱 and one dog 🐶 at home in China, as my families are all like different animals very much so that they are living great life in my home. My pets have different names and cutes characters. They can always make me laugh but sometimes annoyed. In my mind, they are really clever and gentle.

They are my best friends and I miss them a lot when coming to the UK.

I am a big fan of photograph📷 and I learned it by myself for several years.

I enjoy taking photos in order to preserve the scenery🌇 and people in the picture as well as in my memory. Every time I saw them, it recalled me that cute period of time that can make me feel great.

The last thing I want to share is my favourite city in China called Tibet where is a very sacred and magnificent area in my mind. I know it from a novel 📖 and after that I was very much in love with this place. Last time I went Tibet, I met a professional photographer incidentally and he took the local style photos for me. The photo below is one of my favourite😍.

Honestly, I have many hobbies like music🎵, games in mobile or computer 🎮, and so on. I am really happy to be here to study with all of you. I hope we can spend many good times together in the university even there are many hinders in front of us. 🎉

1 thought on “Welcome to BENYU‘s World

  1. I loved the pictures of your pets, Benyu! I don’t have any, but my sister has a Bombay cat named Hiccup from the movie “How to Train Your Dragon”.

    The photographs of Tibet that I’ve seen look beautiful. I’ve always wanted to visit the Himalayas between Tibet and Nepal.

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