About the Culture industry what Im think and what I do in the presentation.

Cultural industry

This topic took me a lot of time to finish. Because this is the topic of our speech, I need to figure out what the cultural industry is. So if we want to know this, I need to figure out the definition of the cultural industry. So I started searching and reading something related to this topic. I noticed that our university gave us some reading resources. I tried to read it, but in this part. They wrote nearly 70 pages. Moving on to something less important. I read the whole article. And also I do read some book from other class teacher. they do help me to find out what is going on with this topic

The cultural industry refers to the mass production and sale of cultural products such as music, films, television shows, books and art to attract a wide audience. It was first proposed by the philosophers Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer in the 1940s. According to Adorno and Horkheimer, the culture industry operates as a form of mass control, shaping people’s desires, tastes, and preferences, and promoting conformity and consumerism.

Although there is overlap between the cultural industry and the media industry, the cultural industry focuses more on the production and dissemination of cultural products, while the media industry encompasses a wider range of media-related activities. Both industries have a significant impact on society as they shape public discourse, influence popular culture, and contribute to the construction of social norms and values.

When we need to study and explore these issues in more depth, I think there are several meaningful directions worth considering:

Among these themes, I would like to emphasize the importance of influence and control. The cultural and media industries have a huge impact on society. They can shape public thought, values, and behavior. Mass-produced and widely distributed, they can influence and shape popular culture. Therefore, when accessing information on the Internet and various media platforms, pay attention to whether you are trapped in an echo chamber of information.

In this last part, it is essential to expand our understanding of the profound implications of the cultural industry. While it may be rooted in academic discourse, its relevance extends far beyond the classroom. In fact, mastering the dynamics of the cultural industry can give us valuable insights into the complexities of everyday life and the world we inhabit.

Recognizing the far-reaching influence and control of the cultural and media industries, we become more discerning consumers of information. These industries have the power to shape not only public discourse, but also the structure of our society’s values and norms. By mass-producing and widely disseminating cultural products, they have the power to shape mass culture, influencing the way we see the world and our place in it.

Shirley Biagi – Media_Impact_ An Introduction to Mass Media-Wadsworth Publishing (2016)

Richard Campbell_ Christopher Martin_ Bettina G. Fabos – Media Culture_ An Introduction To Mass Communication-Bedford_St. Martin’s

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