Me, Myself and I

Hello, I’m Farah Meer! I’m 20 years old and I’m from Saudi Arabia. I am an introvert who loves all types of puzzles. I am currently studying digital media because I would love to work in marketing and PR. I moved to London when I was 18 and I am still trying to navigate life and constantly grow and learn every day.

I am a ‘take it day by day’ type of person so my future is still undecided, however, I love to work behind the scenes on projects so I hope to work behind the scenes in the beauty or fashion industries. Living in the 21st century, technology is all around us and we have been consuming media in an unhealthy way. I want to create content that is creative and spreads positivity. I hope to be the person who creates the PR packages being sent to people. Sometimes I brainstorm ideas for brands and plan out a whole PR brand trip or design PR packages, I find it very entertaining to me. Who knows in a few years I could be sending you packages from a big brand.

Fun Facts about me:

  • My name in Arabic means happiness (or an informal way to say wedding).
  • A few hobbies of mine are photography, painting my nails and I am currently learning the piano (thanks YouTube).
  • In another life, I was definitely a theatre kid because I love musicals, the art of acting and I’m such a nerd when it comes to film.
  • I believe I am an old lady stuck in a 20 year old body because I enjoy the slow and quiet life.
Me and my favourite human (dog) Kona.

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