Meet me, Mughda!

Hello! I am Mughda Vaid, from the capital of India Delhi! I am so happy that I have completed a year in the city of my dreams and where I wanted to live all my life. I have left a piece of my heart back home with the biggest supporters of life my parents, who guided and stood strong next to me in all my life-changing decisions. It makes me feel so proud of myself that I have successfully completed a year in the city and little Mughda who always wanted to live in this country is living that life. I have always been involved in things that make everyone and myself happy like to start with, my dogs have been my biggest blessing and my go-to people they make me the happiest and so do (I think) I can be annoying and too cuddly sometimes :/ I am a very jolly and happy going person who always has something going around her head whether it’s my laundry in the dryer or that I have to complete this blog post 🙂 I love being a radio presenter at Smoke Radio that booth is one of my happy places and every time I enter that space it makes me even more motivated and makes me think that yes, it is one of the best decisions I have taken. There are a lot of things which make me happy and that include photography, desiging, making reels, and staying happy and keeping happy! You’ll surely notice me jumping around the campus 🙂

1 thought on “Meet me, Mughda!

  1. I also recently celebrated my first year in London! Moving away from home can be scary, but I think you’ll agree that it’s worth facing our fears.

    I hope you enjoy Smoke Radio. I used to do radio journalism back in Florida. It was fun writing scripts and reading them in the studio, but I never got used to hearing my re-run programs over the radio at local businesses.

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