Culture Industry = CONSUMERISM.

When I think of culture industry as a whole, the first word that always comes to mind is ‘fandom’, which refers to a community of people who are passionate or/and share similar views about something. This is also one of many subcultures within the world of culture. Consumerism also plays a massive role in the culture industry and without it, these industries just would not exist.

However, it is important that I introduce a brief history behind the title of this blog, first.

Adorno and Horkheimer: “The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception” (1947)

The two men shown above constructed an ideology behind the culture industry, proposing the idea that the sole reason for the entertainment industry (e.g. film, music, radio), was to manipulate mass society for their own capitalistic gain. “The culture industry is not the art of the consumer but rather the projection of the will of those in control onto their victims. The automatic self-reproduction of the status quo in its established forms is itself an expression of domination.” (Theodor W. Adorno, The Culture Industry). It’s evident that Adorno condemned the industry for this, as he believed this was a sadistic approach to target society with full knowledge of how vulnerable society already is.

Although it’s hard to agree with the industry’s methodology, it would be stupid of me to disagree, especially as a consumer of many industry cultures myself. For example, I used to be very involved in fandom culture to the point where I would create fan accounts on Twitter/Instagram to show my support as well as promote their music, and even though it was enjoyable, I can’t help but realise that we were slightly being exploited for free labour – not by the musicians themselves, but the music labels. Of course, none of these deeper thoughts were apparent at the time, because again, it was about the enjoyment and the feeling of participation. These artists would engage with me, and acknowledge my efforts, making the time much more worthwhile.

Again as mentioned above, most of my time on these social media platforms was promoting these artists. Pretty much free advertisement and there is no doubt in my mind that these music labels were not aware of this. This goes back to what Adorno and Horkheimer were addressing about how the entertainment industry is here to not only provide society with fun things to watch/do but to also manipulate us simultaneously for the sake of capitalism. Masking destruction behind smiling faces. I would like to add that in no shape or form do I disagree with free advertisement. It’s normal to share interests and naturally, when interests circulate, this causes an influx of popularity. With that being said, It’s just disappointing to know something so carefree can be darkly twisted to favour capitalism and consumerism, unknowingly. Therefore, I believe it’s safe to admit that Adorno and Horkheimer’s theory is 100% factual and genuine.

Therefore, I believe it’s safe to admit that Adorno and Horkheimer’s theory is 100% factual and genuine.

Photo credits:

Adorno and the Culture Industry (

Adorno and Horkheimer (1944) “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” | Prof. Cheryl Williams (

“Case Closed” Images – Browse 1,388 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

1 thought on “Culture Industry = CONSUMERISM.

  1. The hook to this blog was very intriguing since I have never connected fandoms to the culture industry. I also like how the writer brought humor into this blog post when saying,” It would be stupid of me to disagree.” The post takes you through both sides, the criticism the theory faces as well as the truth behind it.

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