The Two-Step Flow Theory is all around us.

The Two-Step flow theory, although criticized by many, has a large impact on our society today. The theory’s outcome is shown in various ways in modern media like social media marketing, politics, consumerism, stocks, etc. The theory was introduced in 1944 by Paul Lazarsfeld, an American Social Researcher. Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet introduced The Two-Step Flow of Communication in the book called “The People’s Choice” (Communication Theory, 2014). The theory suggests that information is spread from a main media source and only reaches the public through high-profile opinion leaders. While theorists in the 1970s claimed that the theory is oversimplified, I do find many examples of it in everyday life.

A personal example of the Two-Step flow theory is where I can be perceived as an opinion leader as I am a social media influencer. I post very publicly on my Instagram about women’s injustices in America and get many comments along the lines of “Thank you for educating me on this!” This is a direct example of the two-step flow theory on a smaller scale, as I choose the specific information I individually find important to share with the masses.

In American politics, the Two-Step flow theory exemplification has never been stronger. The rates at which Americans believe and spread fake news have skyrocketed over the past few years. This is a direct result of right-wing and left-wing opinion leaders. Let’s take Fox News as an example, the most-watched news channel in America. This is a right-wing political news channel, and they have recently been sued for defamation due to their spread of fake news regarding the 2020 election. In this example, Fox News was spreading false information for months on end through their opinion shows to innocent viewers, and these viewers were victims of this media wronging. Despite this, the viewers of these shows are still tuning in every night to watch their favorite opinion TV hosts like Tucker Carlson. Interestingly enough, when Tucker Carlson was forced to leave the network due to this truth coming out, the news organization experienced a major decline in viewers. Exemplifying that the audience was there for the opinion show more than strictly the truth. These opinion shows get their news directly from the highest source and emphasize only what their personal agenda is.

Source: Pew Research Center

The Two-Step theory also has a huge impact on boosting consumerism through modern social media. It’s important to note that this theory can be used in positive and negative ways. A propaganda campaign was conducted using the theory in the next instance. Shein, a fast fashion brand that is a huge contributor to the exploitation of workers and global warming, tried taking advantage of the Two-step theory. When news broke out about the truth behind this company, they hired social media personas of all types to take a ‘vacation’ to visit these sweatshops. It doesn’t sound real, does it? Bringing these women to China and showing them a glamorized factory, then having those women post about how beautiful the factory conditions are and how ethically good the company is. In this scenario, the content creators got experiences directly from the source and shared their opinions with their millions of followers online. Many viewers could identify this propaganda, showing the two-step theory in action yet flawed.

This theory can be seen all around us, whether it is an opinion piece in the New York Times, a TV show, or even when we are scrolling through our phones every day.

Bibliography: Communication Theory (2014). Two-Step Flow Theory. [online] Communication Theory. Available at:

1 thought on “The Two-Step Flow Theory is all around us.

  1. I like how you related your own experience as a social media influencer with the 2 step flow theory because it presents a sense of realism. I feel like media platforms definitely use strategic methods to create or/and alleviate propaganda and would argue that most of the time when damage control is being used to twist society’s perception of negative propaganda (for example, the shein fiasco), it is hardly genuine and only done for the sake losing business.

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