Two-step Flow Theory

The two-step Flow Theory was developed in 1940 by Paul Lazarsfeld. It is the idea that information goes through two steps before it influences people. It goes from mass media to opinion leaders, which then go to the general public. It’s a bit like a rumour but when talking about news. Everyone has an opinion about everything. Some follow others because they don’t know what is right from wrong. This is why we have opinion leaders – to start a conversation, to keep the media going, like a role model.

The opinion leaders are people who have a higher influence or ‘power’ over other people, inform them about the latest media, which is then passed down to friends and family. Influencers are an example of opinion leaders as they are the type to get a message out to the public. The more people share, the more of an opinion leader someone is. However, fake news spreads because they trust their friends and surroundings too much. To stop from spreading fake news, we need to make sure what we post and what we consume is in fact true before announcing it on social media.

This is a diagram of what mass media looks like.


Footasylum is many things, but for now we will use its YouTube channel for this example. Footasylum does a Locked In series every year on YouTube, using content creators and influencers who stay in The Locked In house for a period of time without any social media or phones. The channel still managed to build their brand by having the Locked In members wear their clothing items during the show. This then allows the fans/followers to buy their merchandise, mainly because their favourite influencer wears them, which becomes the new ‘trend’.

Also, on another series on the Footasylum channel, Nella Rose and Indiyah Polack host a show called The Pink Courtroom which is also partnered with PrettyLittleThing. This has the same sort of idea as there are many guest stars on the show wearing this brand of clothing, allowing the public to follow in the footsteps of their influencers.

In conclusion..

The two-step flow theory has been outdated as of social media because of the way society has changed throughout the years. People find so many ways to share media nowadays. It used to be mainly through tabloid newspapers and magazines, which is still going on. However, news is now given to us mostly digitally as well as tabloid papers. Whether it is through word of mouth or social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (or X). This theory is ongoing and we will find it anywhere we go. Even on billboards or buses; opinion leaders still spread media through these platforms.


1 thought on “Two-step Flow Theory

  1. I think you explained the theory very accurately making use of valuable information as well as using a clear example like footasylum which is a very common shop that we all know and how they used it to their advantage until social media took over all these previous methods such as the two-step flow theory.

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