Cultural differences

“Paris the city of love and Romance “

In this topic I am going to talk about the cultural differences between England and France. 
In week 3 presentations Musab gave examples on the cultural differences between the two countries based on that I am going to discuss with you.
Britain is a very diverse society which is represented in the workplace. The majority of people are tolerant and broad minded.

Several months age French raised the retirement age from 62-64 
The revolution between public protest. France has a rooted in revolution rooted on the secular of the nation of the French state.
The difference in population, the difference between the French and the English protester they do it in the ground scale the tradition of a peaceful protest in England but it’s different to the tradition in France.protester in France is more violent something to do with French culture and history that has impacted the relationship with the public for example the rejection of the royal family some form of opposition. Scannell scheisinger is telling us the The former, characterised by Marxist structuralist and semiotic approaches and the media imperialism thesis, conceptualise all aspects of popular daily life as formed by an explicable in terms of dominant economic and political forces. Its effects is to reduce subordinate social groups to the status of the passive products of dominant social processes with no independent sphere of action. In sketching out his own approach canclini argues that indigenous cultures Indigenous people need to be analysed both in terms of their historical formation and in the structure context of dependent capitalism.He emphasises the capacity of popular culture to resist, absorb and transform threats to their continued existence. Furthermore a detailed examination of consumption patterns demonstrates the range of variations in the ways which political discourse and media messages are interpreted.

The public sphere is a mediating category between the state and civil society, systems and life worlds. The press and broadcasting are part of the public world and the general scope of their activity is constrained by the operations of markets and the regulating hand of the state. But the sphere to which they speak and which they are consumed is that of private and everyday, the life world members of modern society. The contemporary medicalised public sphere is constituted by the intersection of these two worlds. On the one hand the press and broadcasting are cough up in the administration and management of information a process manipulated not only by the state in relation to the discourses of politics but capitalism in relation to the discourse of consumption particularly advertising.

Culture and Power A Media, Culture & Society Reader edited scannell Schlesinger page 4,12

Seminar presentations by Musab

RATP Transport workers dismantle a burnt tram destroyed during protests the previous night in Clamart, southwest of Paris, on June 29, 2023.

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