Construction Identity in a Digital World.

Technologies of the self are frequent habit, usual ways of significant achievement and saying that infuse beinginside social communities. As conducted and online revenue of recording with photo and videos, captioning and distribution these documentations and reflections with social audience via social media (such as Facebook, Blogging, TikTok and Instagram) developedfurther and more universal we are previously sightedthis kind of numerical develop further of usual repetitionbetween adult adolescence and. It seems that gaming internet use and mobile phones are creating in ways or path alongside younger and younger population.

Consequently, it is possibly be a matter of time beforehand kids are also developing an intellect of self-as individua on al online sharing. Multimedia personal narrative within and across their own network public butwhat will be the nature of their stories with more diffuse audience. children primarily created stories of competence, connection, affliction and comfort. Their stories were reflective of shared experience as well as the uniqueness of their own perspective, social networks and preferences. Their narratives demonstrated fundamentals of indent construction, showing that. I know to navigate my environment; I know the people around me I know how to navigate my environment Iknow the people around me. I know the things I like to do; I am aware of and comfortable with the moral sequence of event as well as deviation from it.  I am certain kind of person and I know my own way of being in the world, there is a strong potential for digital as technology of the self to help children create personaland social nature of their experience and identity.

The importance of Medium

At its core, a story is a sequence of event. But the same sequence of event expressed as a written text an oral telling or a digital story combining voice narrative, visual images. And perhaps music and sound effect can convey different message to an audience.

The same sentence spoken in a rap cadence to a hip-hop rhythm track conveys something about the speaker that is very different from the same words spoken slowly and very quietly. The phrase and then lefts illustrated by an image of A man in a sports car conveys a different feeling from the same phrase illustrated by lose up an image of a drop of water slowly sliding down a rusty gate or a child sitting alone.

Screen media have become ingrained in the figured world of youth as arena of shared experience.


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