Identity; did you make yours all on your own?

The topic ‘Construction of identity in a digital world’ has many ways of unravelling the meaning but what comes to mind is how we act. It’s a like having a reputation that proceeds you and your family. Although, in the digital world, our identity may change from time to time because of how developing the tech world gets. It has come to the point where we need to think out what we post online and how carefully we approach certain situations.

  • actions and meanings are self generated in everyday situations (self explanatory right?)
  • these actions and meanings are generated in particular social relations
  • meanings are modified through an interpretive process

Our interactions with people determine who we are or what type of people we become because of the actions we do. These actions are done particularly because of social media and society lately. In order for people to understand us and our identity, we make an impression so they can remember us. For example; We use certain words, wear certain clothes, behave in certain ways depending on the situation and the individual we interact with in order to convey the best possible impression. Sometimes people put on a show just to impress someone else; they could go through lengths just to make an impact. Furthermore, not only is what you say important, it is also who you are. People follow their idols and their actions which is how their identities are.

Recent news on the Palestine and Israel war has got some celebrities and social media influencers stunned. Some don’t want to speak about the horridness that’s taking place because they’re afraid they’ll lose their platform and followers. Although they can raise awareness with such a big platform, yet they decide not to.

Nowadays people are very careful when trying not to get cancelled on social media because it would affect their whole life, which is fair. But making small mistakes would change people’s views about you as a whole. We are now in a society where everyone will have a problem if you change something abut yourself. Once someone has created an idea of who you are, that’s how you will be remembered. I’ll say it again; we behave in certain ways depending on the situation and person we interact with. You could have four different personalities with four different people. Don’t change who you are just to please someone. Online media has shaped this generation in a completely different way. Whatever you say, whenever you post it, that stuff stays online for good.

Let’s be honest, no one really knows who they are. Bold statement right? We grow up and learn from others, we see what they do and how they do it and if we like it, it’s who we are now. The small things that attract us immediately we grasp it. Although, there is no other way to go about, at least not as we know of.

3 thoughts on “Identity; did you make yours all on your own?

  1. Your post is quite thought-provoking and I really love your saying that “no one really knows who they are”, and I totally agree with you! It’s our first time in this world, it’s also the first time for us to be a daughter, a son, a brother, a sister, a student, a teacher etc.. So everyone is learning from others every minute and every day. Every identity we shape could be “real us” and the process of shaping identity could be considered as a process of finding ourselves and knowing who we truly are.

  2. I personally, I think that this post is very complete, I think you are very right with the points you mention about being canceled on the internet for anything, in addition to the fact that it has a controversial touch in terms of identity and that really today on the internet, no one He knows who he is. Very good post!

  3. I personally, I think that this post is very complete, I think you are very right with the points you mention about being canceled on the internet for anything, in addition to the fact that it has a controversial touch in terms of identity and that really today on the internet, no one He knows who he is. Very good post, very clear for anyone

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