Main Role Between Encoding and Decoding

When we mention the encoding and decoding, the first thing comes into out mind is its linear relationships about sender to message, message to receiver. There is a very interesting thing which we usually ignore ——our amazing sensory organs. Without these organ we can’t complete this information receiving process at all. Meanwhile, this is exact reason that why we couldn’t have a completely understanding to a disability person.

This is our five sensory organs. All of them make a great contribution for out daily. Additionally, they are have unsubstituted role on encoding and decoding process. Based on differences between them, we made different medium for receivers to get information. Here is some instance, songs as medium for ear, newspaper as medium for eye and so on. What’s more, most of time, we use more than one sensory organ involve the decoding process. When you go to an restaurant, the food has been placed on the table, your eyes and tongue and nose are decoding this information(the food). Meanwhile, when chief is preparing the food, he or she will think these three sensory organ. Chief will make the food looks more tasty, smell good, and taste good not to mention. In fact, this is a very classic encoding process. Sendor will consider how receiver decoding the information.

Every sensory organ is so important that we can’t imagine how to live without them. In fact, there is a part of people who are facing these problem now. Based on the UK parliament, there is an estimated 16.0 million people in the UK had a disability in 2021/22. This represents 24% of the total population. The prevalence of disability rises with age: around 11% of children were disabled, compared with 23% of working age adults and 45% of adults over State Pension age. They are suffering from tremendous problems that normal people can’t imagine and bare.

Reference: 2023.11.21

2 thoughts on “Main Role Between Encoding and Decoding

  1. This is very interesting and something I never really thought about. While reading this blog, based on my understanding now of encoding and de-coding the medium is not only the words on the screen but a step before that would be my eyes. I have read and de-coded it therefore with the help of my eyes. I guess it’s what we use to make sense out of the world. This might be then not only sensory organs but also our brain and beliefs that help up de-code a message. While reading your blog I made sense out of by looking at the pictures too so those pictures are surely codes as well.

    1. Yes, in our sensory organ we have specific cell for receiving the nerve impulse and send nerve impulse to the brain. Then our brain will decode the nerve impulse and turn it into message. It is a complex process. I’m glad that you take time to read my blog~ I’m really happy to read your comment~

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