Media discourse

Media discourse is the analysis of the different opinions and values generated by different audience groups after information is disseminated through different media, such as news reports, advertisements, etc. The media uses different layouts, formulates different themes, and presents event information from different angles to influence the public’s understanding and views of the event. Media discourse reflects the influence of society’s culture, political environment and rights on the public’s acceptance of information.
For example, in 2019, the new coronavirus spread across the world and attracted widespread attention from countries around the world. China and the United States reported the incident in completely different ways, resulting in people in the two countries having very different views on the new coronavirus. By understanding agenda-setting and framing we can understand why this difference occurs.
In China, the media often seems to work for the country and government. By emphasizing China’s socialist system, the public and the government work together to strictly implement epidemic prevention measures. Most reports in the Chinese media emphasize the government’s excellent response measures and anti-epidemic results, trying to convey the positive energy of unity. This type of reporting helps strengthen people’s sense of identity with the country, allowing China to respond proactively during the epidemic.
In contrast, the American media pays more attention to data presentation and critical reporting. Many media emphasize the different measures implemented by the government at different stages and compare them with other regions and even countries, causing great controversy in society. I think this type of reporting is more helpful for people to pay attention to the incident and understand the multi-faceted nature of the incident and think about it. But it will also lead to the emergence of many different viewpoints and factions in society, leading to social debates and even divisions.
The people of the two countries have different views. The Chinese people generally believe in the decisions of the national or local governments and have shown strong cohesion and execution. Thanks to this, China has achieved remarkable success in epidemic prevention and control. This kind of trust is often guided by the deliberately controlled information orientation in media reports.
Media discourse is very important in transmitting and shaping information perceptions. Understanding the differences in the reporting of COVID-19 information between the United States and China can give us a deep understanding of the importance of the media in the transmission of information. The subjectivity they shape has a great impact on the public’s understanding of information. During the global fight against the epidemic, the role of the media has become increasingly important and requires more objectivity and rationality. However, it is also essential to unite the people to fight the virus.

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