Male Gaze Affect Our Cognition For Beauty

There is no correct answer for evaluating beauty, but in the history, every generation has their own understanding for beauty. Different generation has different understanding for beauty. Tremendous smartest human give a explanation for beauty, but nobody insure that they have a exactly answer for beauty. It is question without answer. Ancient Greek regard beauty as proportion and harmony. They think beauty is a kind of harmony in the external form of specific things in theoretical. Thus they build the Parthenon based on the golden ratio.

While the human has long history for chasing beauty, human society accumulated a lot of experience for understanding beauty and have a lot study for aesthetic. People supposed to have more ability to appreciate and cognize beauty than ancient people, but the truth is not. In previous century, the entertainment area have an rapid progress. The film and TV becomes a big part of people’s life. In this time, camera language is the one of the most convincing things. The concept of Male Gaze was first proposed by film critic Laura Mulvey in “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Film”. Laura believed that in movies, men often become the dominant ones and the subjects of gaze, while women become the objects of gaze, and most of them are subject to gaze. The most popular movies satisfy men’s voyeuristic pleasure to a great extent (such as Hollywood movies).

Although the concept of the male gaze first originated in movies, it has a profound influence in the advertising industry. The message conveyed by advertisements is always the same: buy this product, and you get the girl. ; Or by buying this product, you become like the girl in the advertisement and get your man, in other words, buy this “image” and “get the girl”. What we need to think about is, when advertising treats women as objects of gaze, does advertising, as a form of promotion, turn women into commodities for promotion? Does it mean that women’s bodies are being used as commodities for sex trade? The male gaze is permeating every aspect of life. Whether it is TV shows, music videos or advertisements, women have been immersed in this environment for a long time. They are subconsciously accustomed to observing from a male perspective, and have unconsciously lost their sensitivity to self-examination. degree, losing the uniqueness of women as individuals. We can’t objectively appreciate the beauty of female. Male gaze violently let people regard satisfying the desire of watching and controlling women’s body as a kind of women’s beauty. Human are deprived of the ability to appreciated women’s beauty from male gaze.

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