Xun Zhu (Vertin)
Hello and welcome to Media Insights, I’m [Vertin]. In today’s digital age, digital identity has become an important element of our lives that cannot be ignored. Multiple digital identities, in particular, are shaping our personal experiences in unprecedented ways, while also having a profound impact on society as a whole. Today, let’s delve into this thought-provoking topic.
podcast outline
1. Introduction
Introduction: The phenomenon of multiple identities in the digital age.
Three main aspects discussed in this issue: self-awareness, privacy risks, and social trust.
2.The impact of multiple digital identities on self-awareness
The definition of digital identity and its relationship with self-expression.
The shaping of identity on different platforms: such as the role differences between professional platforms and social platforms.
The risk of self-loss: Self-confusion that may be brought about by frequent identity switching.
3.Privacy and data security issues
The blurring of multiple digital identities and privacy boundaries.
The contradiction between data collection and personal privacy protection (such as data leakage incidents).
Case study: Real events of privacy being commercially exploited.
4.Reconstruction of social trust
The weakening of social trust caused by multiple identities.
Online fraud and identity disguise phenomenon
How to rebuild trust in the digital society?
Further reading
These are the relevant events I mentioned in the podcast below, and you can read further about the events if you’re interested.
Facebook – Cambridge Analytica
The personal information of tens of millions of users was collected and exploited without permission by Cambridge Analytica. Facebook failed to effectively protect user data, leaving user privacy at great risk.
Online dating scams
A startling study shows that by 2025, online dating scams are expected to affect more than 107,000 victims.
Reference list
- Baym, N. K. (2010). Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Polity.
- Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life.
- Miller, H. (1995, June). The presentation of self in electronic life: Goffman on the Internet. In Embodied knowledge and virtual space conference (Vol. 9, pp. 1-8).
- Papacharissi, Z. (2010). A private sphere: Democracy in a digital age. Polity.
- Turkle, S. (2011) .Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other.
Hello! I really enjoyed your blog! I appreciate its format; you introduced the phenomenon of multiple digital identities clearly with a recording and explored the opportunities and challenges from various perspectives.
After listening to this podcast, I became particularly interested in how multiple digital identities might impact individuals’ mental health and social behavior. For instance, when people present different identities on various platforms, could they unknowingly experience a sense of confusion or identity conflict? Especially on social media, where different identities might require individuals to showcase varying personalities and attitudes, could this further intensify some of these internal conflicts?
I think there are some more specific examples, such as analyzing how users on different social platforms (like Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc.) use multiple identities to meet different social needs, and whether this adaptation influences their behavior and decision-making in real life. Thank you for your excellent sharing, and I look forward to more in-depth discussions on digital identities!