Author: Abdikarim

0 Comment on The war in Gaza is currently dominating the media discourse
Posted in 4. ‘Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’

The war in Gaza is currently dominating the media discourse

Blog Post 4 By: Abdikarim Hussein Abdi Since the inception of social media platforms, interaction via the…

1 Comment on What is ‘Manufacturing Consent’ all about?
Posted in 3. Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’

What is ‘Manufacturing Consent’ all about?

An animation video created based on a book titled ‘Manufacturing Consent’ by Noam Chomsky and David S…

0 Comment on ‘The construction of identity in a digital world’
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’

‘The construction of identity in a digital world’

In this blog post I will explain what is meant loosely by ‘identity’ and a ‘digital world’…

0 Comment on My take on Consumer Culture
Posted in Blog

My take on Consumer Culture

by: Abdikarim Hussein Abdi (w16958964) This blog post aims to introduce the topic of consumer culture as…

0 Comment on About me – Introduction
Posted in Blog Hello World

About me – Introduction

Hello all! My name is Abdikarim Hussein Abdi and i am 25 years old currently. I am…