Author: Sina
The Male Gaze in Contemporary Media: A Critical Lens
The idea of the male gaze, introduced by Laura Mulvey, is still very much a part of…
Decoding and Encoding: Bridging Communication
Encoding and decoding are important ideas in communication, technology, and education. These processes help make sure that…
Crafting the Self: How Digital Platforms Shape Identity in the Modern World
In today’s media world, identity construction is no longer confined to traditional physical spaces; digital interactions and…
From Media to Influence: How Two-Step Flow Theory Shapes Modern Communication
The two-step model of communication is a concept that was developed by sociologists Paul Lazarsfeld and Elihu…
Hey! My name is Sina
Hello, I’m Sina. I’m 24 years old, originally from Norway. A year ago, I decided to pursue…