Author: Zilin

1 Comment on Algorithmic biases in our modern life
Posted in 4. ‘Algorithmic Biases’ Or ‘The male gaze’ Blog

Algorithmic biases in our modern life

Algorithmic biases refer to systematic and unfair discrimination that occurs when algorithms, especially those used in artificial…

3 Comments on How encoding and decoding apply on Netflix
Posted in 3. Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’ Blog

How encoding and decoding apply on Netflix

Throughout human history, the concepts of encoding and decoding have been central to communication, technology, and security….

0 Comment on Construction of Identity in a digital world
Posted in Blog

Construction of Identity in a digital world

To give a brief explanation of the concept, it basically refers to the ways in which individuals…

0 Comment on How BTS is one of the most significant Culture Industry in the K-pop area
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

How BTS is one of the most significant Culture Industry in the K-pop area

In general, I want to talk about the culture industry in K-pop. The latest survey shows there…

0 Comment on Hi!
Posted in Blog


Hi! My name is Zilin Wang, and you can call me Ada! I am from a city…