Author: Xiangle
Posted in Blog
Understanding the “Male Gaze”: The Invisible Lens of Gender Power
In contemporary cultural studies, the “male gaze” is an important concept that attracts much attention. This theory…
Manufacturing Consent: The Hidden Mechanics of Public Opinion
The term “manufacturing consent”, popularized by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their seminal book, refers…
Identity Construction: Looking for and defining self
In today’s interconnected world, the construction of identity has changed significantly due to the impact of digital…
Thoughts on Two-Step Flow Theory
The Two-Step Flow Theory, first introduced by Paul Lazarsfeld and his colleagues in the 1940s, revolutionized the…
Posted in Blog
Hi! I am Melody:)))
Hello everyone:) 你好(Ni Hao)! My name is Xiangle Liang and you can call me Melody. I was…