Author: Yixin Lou
The male gaze: Objectifying and Sexualization women
The male gaze was first proposed by Laura Mulvey in 1975 in her thesis on Visual Pleasure…
The embodiment of encoding and decoding in daily life
Information transmission is an interactive process of encoding and decoding. The sender and the receiver may have…
Combine the network to talk about McLuhan’s “media is the extension of people” view
Let’s briefly talk about McLuhan’s media theory first.The media mentioned by McLuhan is different from the media…
Talk about the two-step flow theory
After I learned about the two-step flow theory, in my own words, information is first transmitted through…
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Hi!I am Fendi😉
Hello, guys! My name is LOUYIXIN, you can call me Fendi, I come from China 🇨🇳 Introduction:I…